Tricia Evans


Owner of the Pretty Kitty
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I started working out with Derek in 2015. At the time I was 46. I wasn't unhealthy or terribly out of shape, however I wasn't in my best shape, and I could see that I was losing muscle and getting softer year over year and that if I didn't start to make changes, my health would be affected as well. I wasn't pre- menopausal, however cognizant that it would be around the corner, I wanted to be proactive against the changes that would be coming. This was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Fast forward to 2024. I have been regularly working out with Derek minus a couple of years, for 7 years. Training with Derek has not only changed my life in a multitude of positive ways, but it has also changed the lives of many people that I love and care about. When friends saw the results that I experienced, it inspired them to sign on with Derek to help them in their lives.

 In the years that I have known and trained with Derek; I have personally witnessed firsthand incredible transformations that his clients have experienced. Not only have his clients just lost weight and gotten in better shape, but they have also gone off medications and have been able to reverse very serious health diagnoses. He is a person that truly cares and has dedicated his life to helping save others' lives. Yes, he is literally saving peoples' lives!

Another incredible aspect about Derek is his personality. I have spent thousands of days with him, and he always shows up. What I mean by this is, he shows up as his best self and is ready to give 100%. Even if he isn't feeling up to it, one would never know. He gives so much to people, and he makes everyone feel very special. He makes going to the gym and working out something that I always look forward to. Not only have I benefited from the workouts, but he has also passed down a wealth of knowledge. I have learned so much about food, supplements, hormonal balance, and have an overall health awareness that I never had before. Not only is my coach in all things health and fitness related, he is also now one of my dear friends.

I am now at the age of 54. I don't dread my birthdays as every year I feel that I get better and better. I can honestly say that these are the best days of my entire life. I feel better than I have ever felt. I am more balanced in my emotions, have energy, and a peace of mind. I wouldn't be like this if I hadn't met Derek. He gave me the tools, education, resources, and guidance that I needed to achieve this. If you are at a crossroad in your life with your health and fitness, I can promise you that you won't regret enlisting the help of Derek Perdue!

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